Thoughts and Theory



Nov. 16, 2000

Nov. 9, 2000
  • I'm actually updating. I had something to say, but I really can't remember at this momement. Anyway, I'm runinng for Student Government. Remember to vote for me on Nov. 15 &16. wohoo!!! Go to

    For party platform go to Michigan Party.
    Love ya.
Sept. 24, 2000
  • wow, it's been over a month since I've updated.... there's been so many things that has happened, it woudld take me forever to list them.
    Well, everything has been going well, God has answered many of my prayers this last month (some in very creative ways.) Yesterday, I found out he answered two seperate prayers of mine at the same time in one event. Stuff like that just keeps me really humble about His greatness. Anyway, hope things are going well with everybody. I'll have more interesting stuff to post up soon.

August 14, 2000
  • Ladies and gentleman... it's here (in rough draft format.. will definitely be improved on over the years). The essay you have all been waiting for...
  • Love's Evil, Heaven's Hell, and God's Jesus in a package

    The existence of evil seems to contradict Christianity. If God is good and all-powerful, and evil exist, then God either doesn't exist (atheists), God is not all-powerful (pantheists), or God is not good (naturalists and polytheists). This is the only logical argument that exists for atheists, that attempts to argue that God doesn't exist. Western religions (Christianity, Islam, and Judaism) have hundreds of logical/philosophical/scientific/historical arguments on why God must exist (ontological, design etc. etc. etc.) while atheists have come up with one. And it does not even necessarily mean that God does not exist. The problem of the existence of evil, is not an argument that suggests God does not exist, it is a misunderstanding of what is evil. The most common misconception (even among orthodox Christians) is that evil is a being. Evil is not a thing. Nothing is inherently, by its own being, evil. We know that a person getting shot for no apparent reason is evil, but if you look at the individual parts, none of it is evil. A gun is not evil. A bullet is not evil. A finger is not evil. None of the individual parts are evil. Even Satan's being is not evil. God created him with great knowledge and ontological goodness. If he had not been created with those inherent goodness, he would not have had the ability to do the evil that he plagues humanity with now. So if none of the parts are evil then how can the sum of the parts be evil. What exactly is evil? Evil is something that should not have occurred in that specific context. It is an error in a relationship. It exists because something could have been good, but decided to be bad. It is actually dependent on goodness. In fact, the more something can be good, the more something can be bad. For example, knowing someone as an acquaintance is good, but knowing someone as a best friend is better. If an acquaintance betrayed you, it surely would not hurt as much as your best friend betraying you.

    I am not saying evil is not real. It is very real. It is painful. It causes suffering. It breaks friendships and families. It threatens society. It thwarts love and happiness. It causes me to cry. However, evil is not a thing. So the question is not why does evil exist, but why does evil happen? That question has a very simple answer to it. It happens because we have free will. God did not manufacture us as meaningless robots that have no choice but to love him. He created us with the ability to choose -- even if that meant the option of choosing not to love Him. And people ask me so why does not God reveal His blinding glory, infinite power and force us to believe He exists? Why doesn't He just take all the stars in heaven and write the words, "Jesus loves you." -- a miracle that could not be replicated by man, and would force all of humanity to bow down and worship Him (though some may still be defiant). Then I ask you this question, what would love mean if we did not choose to love on our own free will? What would love be, if your significant other, husband or wife, made you love them. Love is love because you can choose to love. You choose out of your own free will to love someone. Being forced to love is not love. It is rape.

    However, this does not explain why evil happens to good people. Why do bad people get away with bad things, and why do good people suffer? Before I begin to answer that question, let us look at the question itself. To say that there is good and evil and that one should be preferred over the other is to abide by some moral law, a conscience. Where did this moral law come from? People sometimes try to convince me that moral law evolved out of some sort of natural selection. That our moral laws help us survive as a species. I do not think this makes much sense. Our moral laws, many times, will tell us to do something that threatens our own survival. If one day I was to walk along the river bank and see my sister drawning, my instinct is to jump in and save my sister, even if that means that she may pull me down and I may drown as well. My moral conscience goes well against my instinct of survival. Another example would be the millions of times soldiers have been awarded various medals of bravery for risking their own lives to save a fallen comrade. They do it because at the time they felt it was the right thing to do. Moral laws do not care about specific situations. It says exactly what it wants to say regardless if your life is in danger or not. Things that we consider evil, like greed, has helped individuals survive as well as driven corporations and companies to develop things that have helped society. Yet, we don't view at as a virtue. You don't fall in love with a person beaus he/she is greedy. So where did we get this discernment of right and wrong? It must have been taught by something outside of our development as humans. It must come from God (or maybe little green aliens). The existence of moral laws suggests that they were given to us outside of humanity -- something that was good to give us knowledge of goodness.

    Let us go back to the original question of why do bad things happen to good people. If God is so good, why does He allow earthquakes to bury innocent children alive? Why does He allow bad things happen to honest people? First of all, many of the natural disasters actually could have been prevented if humans were not caught up in selfishness. The problem of famines in third world nations could easily be solved if we loved our neighbors as ourselves, but instead, we Americans (and others) eat several times more than the amount our body requires. Let us look at this from two perspectives. However, that is only a small point to make. The real reason lies in a bigger picture. Let us take two perseceptives; first, from the individual and second from humanity in general. I believe that the majority of bad events in our lives occur to us because God is trying to teach us. He is trying to make us stronger, more mature, and more understanding. Every burden we carry, every mountain we climb, every hardship we face, makes us, the individual, stronger. However, this may not always be the case. Certain things may kill us, or even send us spiraling down into depression. To get a much clearer picture of why bad things happen to good people (or vice versa), we must look at humanity as a whole. We, the human race, are bonded together. How? Imagine if one day you found out your mother was a murderer. Wouldn't you feel ashamed? Most people would, even though you are not a murderer, but yet you feel the family solidarity of sin. Or what if you found out one of your relatives was a hero. Like me, everytime I have the chance, I tell everybody that my great-grandfather was a famous Taiwanese Senator. I share that same feeling of solidarity. There is some sort of bond that is felt between you and your family. And if you bring this logic one step further, everybody is related to everybody, we're all literally cousins or the like. Even though we seldom feel ashamed of the crime an apparent random stranger commits, we are all still bonded together in humanity. Some people feel this bond so strongly that they dedicate their lives to serving the less fortunate. They feel compelled out of empathy or compassion to help others. And it is through this bond that we suffer for each other and how our wrongs are atoned by others. Just like how the sins and crimes of the guilty can harm the innocent, the suffering of the innocent can redeem the guilty. That is one of the reasons why God became a human in the form of Jesus to suffer on our behalf. He paid for the sins of humanity, He paid for our forgiveness, and all He asks is for us to accept the atonement.

    Most people carry the misconception that sin is like a debt and hell is the punishment for that debt. And then Jesus pays for the punishment by footing the bill, but the catch is, we must believe he's paying for the bill in order for the bill to be actually paid. Despite this type of analogies' apparent popularity, it is an almost entirely inaccurate example. Because if Jesus can pay the debt for us, and claims that He loves us, why doesn't He just show His love and pay everybody's debt and all of humanity would be saved? This way, it wouldn't matter if people believed in Jesus, He paid the debt for us anyway. Or if God "made" this law, He could have just as easily not have made this law as well. This analogy simply does not hold. That is why it is so important to understand that free-will is a part of Love and that Love is God. God is agape, the giver of love and love in its essence, and He loved us so much that He gave us free will. And because we have free will, we can love Him in return. He does not force Himself into people's hearts. He is a gentleman. And with that, God takes the risk of us not choosing to love Him. He takes the risk of us loving other things -- sex, power, money, and ourselves. And once we deny God, we deny God's being. We deny life and love (for He IS life). When we choose to sin (to go against God), we suffer spiritual death because we are denying spiritual life (God). And that is why there is hell. Hell is where God does not exist. If we do not want God to be a part of us and part our lives then we are asking God to leave us alone. And because He loves us, He respects our choice. God did not create hell. WE created it. We choose to not be with God. Once we sin, we commit spiritual suicide. We die. We choose to deny spiritual life (God). It's like physically committing suicide, once you do it, you don't live anymore. And He allows us to do it, because He wanted us to be able to love Him. To further drive home the point, there is a common advice given to heartbroken people that best describes the predicament of our relationship with God. It goes along something like this... "If you love her, let her go. If she comes back she's yours forever, and if she doesn't, it was never meant to be". God loves us.

    So people ask, "if God is so powerful and loves us so much, why didn't He just wipe away our past sins, give us a fresh start, let us pretend that the sins never happened so that we can live with Him forever?" And my answer is... But He did. He DID do that. He did exactly that. And He did it with Jesus. He did it when He came to this earth, to suffer in the hands of His own creation, and to pay the price for the evil that His loved ones committed against Him. He did it to wipe away all the evil that man committed and will commit against Him -- for He is eternal, and so His promise is eternal. So what about the people that deny the cross? What about people that deny Christ? To deny the cross is to deny the forgiveness. Christ IS the forgiveness. This is why the first step of becoming a Christian is to admit you sin, and then to accept Christ -- to accept forgiveness.

    And so in this one act, God preserved all that was good. He showed the world how much He loved us by coming to this world growing up and being God the baby, God the child, God the man, God the teacher, and God the savior (and even maybe, God the sperm). And now we can see that hell and love are not two different things but merely two sides of the same coin. I do not claim to know what hell is like, but I believe that hell is not a seperately created world (or lake) where humans "burn" forever, nor do I believe that hell is simply the annililation of souls. I believe that all the fire and brimestone mentioned in the Bible do not reflect physical pain, but shadows spiritual pain. What I believe is similar to CS Lewis's belief, that when we die, and when we all see the blinding glory of God, it is that exact same glory that gives eternal life and at the same time drives Christians to their knees that also "burns" the ones who did not accept the forgiveness. I believe that this same blinding glory that burns away all pain and suffering from Christian souls will also take away all goodness from the ones that do not accept God (for goodness is God -- to deny God is to deny goodness). I'm driven to the final conclusion that in essence -- God, Jesus, forgivness, goodness, love, heaven, and hell -- are really all the same thing.

August 1, 2000
  • Okay that religious update is starting to get closer and closer to being put up. I just don't seem to have much time these days. The new update will be about Good, Evil, Free will, Heaven, and Hell and how they're all tied together. It probably won't come about till next week since I'm leaving for vacation in Hong Kong soon.

July 28, 2000

  • Happy Birthday to Steve, my favorite pagan. hahaha
  • You know, I'm really surprised my webpage hasn't just suddenly died over the past years. I don't have as many consistent daily visits, but I do have a lot more visitors over all. Meaning, I have a lot more diversity in who visits my webpage, but it's less frequent. Anyway, thanks to all you people that are care/bored enough to visit my site =). BTW, I dont' know many people that are still in Michigan right now. Who is it that visits my site consistently? (email me.. I'm just curious. =))
July 23, 2000
  • I think I'm going to start updating more consistently. In the meantime, you will have to put up with small bits of literary prose, random thoughts, and other forms of a paranoid asian man's ranting.
  • I stood at the side of the road, waiting patiently for a large orange vehicle. The sky was blue. The cars whizzed by. It was hot. And the air stunk.
    I held my breath to defend myself against the expected smog of passing large trucks. The cars were ugly. The PSI reading was 85, and the air still stunk.
    Moral of the story: When waiting for the bus, drink Milk Tea.

July 21, 2000
  • Okay, the religious update is going to take a while (it's taking a lot longer to write than I thought). So in the meantime, we can talk about other things.
  • Yesterday was Friendship Day in Argentina =) (My friend told me so). So Happy Friendship Day. =)
  • Something happened to my guestbook. Don't know what. I'll get a new one soon. And then you can all sign my guestbook!

July 14, 2000
  • Did a little rearranging. Life is good. Work is fun. I love Taiwan. Religous update soon.
July 7, 2000
  • She tells me she loves me
    but she plays with my heart
    I want to be like them and sing like them
    and most of all, dance like them

    I am a teenybopper
June 26, 2000
  • Wohoo! I'm in Taiwan. It's nice being back in the land of my ancestral roots. There's really no place like Taiwan. It's a harmonious mix of pollution, good food, rude but practical people, innovativeness. and pure capitalism. It also has its own amusing quirks. There's this radio station in Taiwan that's kinda like a TOP 40 station. It's DJ's speak mostly English with bits and pieces of Chinese and Taiwanese mixed into it. I find it appealing from a American Born Taiwanese perspective. Anyway, this is what I heard on the radio the other day.

    Caller1 [male voice]: "Hawwo?"
    DJ:"Do you want to request a song?"
    CAller1: "Yesu... I like to leequest.. uhh... spice girls."
    DJ:"You'd like to request what?"
    Caller1: "Spice girls"
    DJ:"You want to listen to what!?!?"
    [switches over to new line]
    DJ: "Hello?"
    Caller2: "Hawwo?"
    DJ: "Did you hear the other guy say he wanted to request Spice girls?"
    Caller2: "No."
    DJ: " Good. Neither did I."

    Hahahaha. I love Taiwan.
June 4, 2000
  • Some of my friends wrote some songs and for some reason I've just really enjoyed them this week and I keep listening to them over and over again. They're on mp3's so you can d/l them. I'm stealing these links from Josh's website (he wrote one of these songs) and please read his disclaimer.
  • *Disclaimer - To those who might be offended by either, please note that FOB accents and joyous laughter are incorporated in equal measure, the intent being merely to have fun and praise God. No offense intended

    **Disclaimer 2 - All astounding guitar solos played by Dave Cheng. Please do not attempt this at home, unless you are a musical prodigy, as it is entirely possible that you may become beset with frustration, despair, and anxiety pangs at being unable to duplicate the feat.

June 1, 2000
  • More photos =). Chapter Camp pictures are up. Go sign guestbook =)

May 22, 2000
  • Massive photo update. Enjoy.

May 13, 2000
  • Okay, before I begin with this (and hopefully I’ll finish this all in one sitting), I need to give a lot of credit to Dan Korem, the author of “Powers: Testing the Psychic & Supernatural.? Most of the following will be coming from that book and few others (“The Historical Jesus?by .errr?don’t remember) and some of my own commentary.

    Well, first of all?why is this even important? The Resurrection of Christ is the basis of Christianity. If this is not true, then to the Christian?nothing is true. So let me summarize this whole resurrection quickly? Christians believe that Christ died for our sins and resurrected on the third day. Christ, being pure and holy, paid for our sins and that whoever believes in that will be forgiven by God. The concept is basically you did something bad and Christ paid the punishment. (that’s the very simplified concept of that).

    Okay, so let’s start.

    It’s generally a consensus that Jesus was a person that walked around on this planet. So I’m going to start off with this question: did Jesus die by crucifixion?
    Crucifixion was a form of death penalty invented by the Romans. It was only used for people who were a threat to the Roman government (political prisoners, rebels, etc). What happened was the person placed on a wooden cross and had nails driven into them around wrist area and a nail driven into their feet. For you pre-meds?an article from the Journal of the American Medical Association said that “the nails were driven between the radius and carpals or between the two rows of carpal bones, either proximal to or through the strong bandlike flexor retinaculum and the various intercarpal ligaments?Furthermore, the driven nail would crush or sever the rather large sensormotor median nerve. The stimulated nerve would produce excruciating bolts of fiery pain in both arms. ? And what happens is the weight of the victim being hanged on the cross pulls down on the outstretced arms and shoulders, freezes the muscles around your rib cage and makes breathing impossible. So in order for the prisoner to breath he has must push upward on his nailed wrists and legs and exhale. This would at the same time produce a huge amount of pain because of the severed nerve. In many cases the legs of the prisoner would be broken to speed up death. So most people agree that when Jesus was crucified that He did die. There has only been one case of someone surviving crucifixion and that was because the Romans nailed the guy to the cross, but before lifting him up, they realized they had the wrong person and quickly pulled out the nails (poor guy).

    So, the big question. Did He really resurrect? The books of the Bible that describe Jesus?death and resurrection are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Did the author’s of these Gospels believe what they were saying or were they ramblings of crazy people. Most people agree that whatever they wrote, they believed. So if all of this was a hoax, then the deception would have been in Jesus (and some others perhaps) fooling everybody in believing the resurrection. Well, we came to the conclusion that Jesus died by crucifixion, so that means there would have been someone else in on this, so who could it have been? Or how would Jesus get everybody to believe that He rose from the dead after the crucifixion?

    Some people suggest that somehow Jesus caused a massive hallucination with some chemical or hypnosis or something and had everybody hallucinate that He was alive. Needless to say, I think that’s ridicules. Massive hallucinations where everybody at different times (and in some cases at the same time) and see the exact same thing is impossible.

    Some people also say that maybe Christ was drugged and He never died. So let’s say He was drugged and didn’t die when they pulled Him off the cross, there would have been no way that Christ would have been walking around on the third day after having nails in His legs and arms, whipped in the back, and stabbed in the stomach. (He was stabbed while still on the cross so that the Roman soldiers knew He was dead).

    Okay, so some people say that Christ DID die, and that the disciples were the ones that formulated the story. So let’s look at the behavior of the disciples. . First of all, how would they keep it a secret this whole time? Let’s think about the Watergate scandal. Do you know how many people knew about that initially? Only four. Four of the most powerful, educated, and politically trained people of this nation couldn’t keep a secret, how do you expect 12 normal people to keep a secret? But lets go ahead and look at their behavior. When Christ was crucified, where were the disciples? They were NO WHERE to be found. Why? Because they were scared out of their heads. If they were walking around the streets people would have pointed them out and hand them over to the Roman government. They were scared to/of death. However, after Christ appeared to them, they no longer feared death. In fact, everyone of them (except one I think?, died FOR Christ. They were all persecuted because they were adamant followers of Christianity. Think about it, would you die for a lie you help make up? If a gun were pointed to your head and you were asked if you were a Christian, and you knew if you said yes you would die, would you still say yes? I think some Christians would still even lie and say they weren’t. The disciples couldn’t have been in on the conspiracy.

    So how could have Jesus counterfeit the resurrection?
    Religious leaders that persecuted Christ wanted a quick end to this whole fiasco and so did the Romans. By having a following and claiming He was the Son of God, questioned the authority of religious and political leaders, and so the most prudent way was to get rid of Him. So to make sure that someone didn’t steal the body of Christ, Roman soldiers were ordered to guard the tomb and seal it. Well, what does this mean? Could the soldiers have been paid off? That’s very unlikely, according to the Roman Justian code, a soldier that failed in his duties, even in the most minute detail, was punished by death. One of the methods they used was to strip down the guard and burn him alive with a fire started by those garments. If a group of soldiers failed to do their duty, they drew lots and one would be punished by death in punishment for the rest of the soldiers. This is why the Roman soldiers were such excellent warriors. So it was unlikely they were paid off. So the only way to get rid of the body was to have had a secret passage way, but if there was a secret passage way, then how would the Roman soldiers have known that they failed their duty and fled? So something scared them away, and rowed open the large boulder that sealed up the tomb, so that all could see the body was not there. <

    Some people say, that maybe they ran to the wrong tomb. And as a friend jokes?then Mary ran to the wrong tomb?the disciples ran to the wrong tomb?and the angels went to the wrong tomb? And this tomb just happen to be open with a broken Roman seal and casting of a body, but no body in it.

    However, that doesn’t explain the walking/talking Jesus that appeared after the crucifixion. We’ll go into that next time =)
May 12, 2000
  • I was going to go through this whole thing about Christ and the Resurrection? Okay, lets just say that the whole resurrection thing was a big hoax. If indeed it was a hoax at what parts could it have been fake? So lets go in order?lt;BR>
    Was Jesus a person to begin with? Well, lets just answer that first. According to Roman, Christian, and other non-Christian sources. Jesus was definitely a person that was walking around the planet during that time. It’s a general consensus that He existed.

    Was Jesus crucified? Again, there is a general agreement in the historical world that Jesus was crucified. He’s mentioned in Roman records. There has been evidence of letters from non-believers mentioning His crucifixion. The Jewish historian Josephus mentions Him and there are countless other records from both Christian and non-Christian sources.

    Okay, so lets start asking the more important questions and I’ll start answering them later? First of all, If He was crucified, did the crucifixion kill Him? This leads to two questions?A. If he was dead then does this mean the people that claimed to have saw Him alive and made up the resurrection? And B. If He didn’t die then did he start walking around on the third day claiming he had risen from the dead.

    Okay, lets go further with question A. So let’s say He did die. That would lead us to the following conclusions. (remember we are operating under the assumption that this was all a hoax). That would mean couple of things. First of all, all the disciples and women and the 500 people that Jesus appeared were part of a mass conspiracy and formed the early church or all these people were somehow fooled by Jesus. This also leads to questions about where did the body go? Did someone steal it?

    Maybe I should put this all into some sort of flow chart for everybody...

April 25, 2000
  • Okay, I'm alive. I am. I promise.
  • Anyway, I was going to do this thing about the ressurrection of Christ, but before I do that, let me first of all share the Gospel with all of you. God created humans to have a relationship with Him. As humans we sin and that creates an eternal rift with God. This means because all of us have done SOMETHING bad in our life we are eternally seperated from God; however, since God loved us so much, He sent Jesus Christ to bridge the gap between humanity and God. Through Jesus' death and resurrection, Jesus took the punishment for our sins and whoever believes in this shall have everlasting loife.
  • Okay, now everytime I say this the first question people ask is this...."So what if (it's always a what if question) I was a good person and I lived my whole life like a good mother and I took care of my kids, donated to the salvation army, paid my taxes, etc. etc. but I didn't believe would I go to heaven?"

    Okay, so I have come up with this analogy... we'll just say in a certain state, when you commit murder your sentenced to the death penalty. Okay, lets say I live my whole life like a good person... I go to school. I pay my taxes. I donate to the salvation army. I'm nice to my parents. I take care of my kids. etc. etc. BUT I murder somebody. Well, no matter how good a person I've been I deserve the death penalty because I murdered. The only way for me to not get the death penalty is if the Governor pardons me. In the same way because everybody sins everybody deserves to go to hell, but by believing in Jesus Christ as your savior then you don't. Get it?
March 27, 2000
  • I haven't really had the time to format the Ressurection magician theory thingy yet, but something came up recently that kinda got me thinking. So a friend asked me the other day, "what does the Bible say about Gay people?" And I said some verse in Romans where they say Gay people are people that God has let them be given over to their carnal desires or something like that. And she said,"well, in the old testament, I think it says to kill them." Well, when Jesus came around a lot of old testament stuff was changed, and I'm confident to say that's one of them. Anyway, I had always assumed that people that were against Gay marriages were Christian, but today I was just messing around and I came upon where they were polling if people supported it or not. And I was really surprised that over 66% of the people voted no. And I was thinking, is 66% of the internet population THAT RELIGIOUS to vote against it? I find it unlikey there's that many Christians or at least Christians that care about these issues. But anyway, the Bible says homosexuality is a sin. And in the eyes of God all sin is bad no matter if it's stealing or murder. Any type of sin creates seperation from God. So how should Christians go about this gay issue? My personal opinion is this... I don't think it really matters if your gay or not because as humans we all sin. Gay people are not forcing their sexuality on people when they try to push for laws for equal taxes and what not. If a gay person gets married or not, it really doesn't effect me. Gay people will be gay people whether or not these laws are passed, so the laws really shouldn't matter. I think Christians should focus more on outreach to gay people then trying to stop the movement because I sincerely doubt that whether or not I supported equal income tax for gay couples is really going to effect my spiritual walk with God. So I say this to all the Christians reading this... We should do our best to love everybody no matter who they are, and if there is some major area of sin in their life, it is not up to us to judge them, but if they get to know God, then through the Grace of God anything can happen.

March 15, 2000
  • GUESS WHAT! I got interviewed by the newspaper again. This time it was the Detroit News, and it was on the front page of the business section. =) And I actually found the article this time.
March 7, 2000
  • People are like "WHY HAVEN'T YOU UPDATED!?!?!" Okay, okay, I will I will. I've just been too busy with school work and activities. BTW, how many of you are going to NORTHWESTERN ITASA CONF? Yes, I'm talking to all you fellow Taiwanese. GO GO GO GO register at It'll be fun. I promise. There were only THREE CHS people last year!!! come come come come.
  • Okay, so what is Dean going to talk about next?. Well, I'm going to re-organize all this science and God stuff and make a section on it. And I decided to change next topic to be about Christ and the Resurrection. What I'm going to do, is look at it from a magician/con-artist's point of view. Interesting huh?
Tuesday Dec 21, 1999
  • I'm off to Taiwan. Flying on Northwest. Love you all. Don't cry, I'll be back =)

Monday Dec 20, 1999
  • Okay people, I've seen a lot of IP's visiting my website that I haven't seen before. So if you're visiting my website, please sign my guestbook. If you haven't signed it in a while, sign it. I just want to see all those people that like me enough to come visit my website. Tell me how you're doing or just say hi or something. Sign Sign Sign. =)

Sunday Dec 12, 1999
  • Theory: Remember back in like preschool and earlier elementary school where you got to take naps during class or like put your head down? I think that has had lasting reprucussion on all of us. They have taught us early in our life that sleeping in class is okay. And now I continue finding myself falling asleep during lecture. I blame this today's totalitarianistic propaganda-filled "re-education" system. They want us to sleep through class so that we learn less and so the people in power can maintain their power by controlling the uneducated masses.
  • My new Jinamp =)

Saturday Dec 11, 1999
  • WOW, I updated... To make up for the lack of updates, I'm adding some goodies on the page... introducing... Finkl skins!!! by Dean Wang. Tired of those boring winamp skins? Want something to spice up your life? Well, have no fear, Dean's Finklamp skins are here! (okay, that was slightly cheesy)

Thursday Nov 9, 1999
  • Dude, I haven't like updated in forever.... Anyway, what have I done lately? Well, I went to Chicago a weekend or so ago far ITASA Midwest leadership retreat. It was pretty fun. Got to meet some of the other Taiwanese leaders in the midwest. Any of you going to the ITASA conference at NWU in April?? If you want more info on it, I'll hook you up.
  • "Starcraft is like rice."
    -- some Taiwanese guy at NWU
Thursday Nov 9, 1999
  • Guess what people. I've found my new obsessive song after Timbaland's Here We Come. I go through these little obsessive song periods where I listen to a song over and over again for like a semester. (Is that some sort of mental disorder? -- yeee, I hope not). Well, the Song is Jaci Valasquez's "If This World" I've already sent it to a lot of people; so, if you want it I'll send it to you. This song is out of my normal range of taste for music. It's not Dance, Techno, Hip-hop or Korean (*gasp*). I guess it's cause I like the lyrics and it's very singable
  • "Do you feel that you've been disowned,
    left outside
    in the cold
    and without a home
    Do you think that no one cares
    that you're lost
    and alone
    and without a prayer
    Don't give into the lie
    that there's no one you can turn to
    Don't lose hear
    There is hope
    There is someone
    Who will never desert you

    If this world is a lonely place for you
    Fall into the arms of Love
    If this world is a lonely place for you
    There's a God who you can trust
    Who'll comfort you
    and lift you up
    na na na na na nanna nana (chorus)

    Are you looking for a friend
    Who will stand
    by your side
    to the very end
    someone Who is always true
    to His Word
    Be assured
    He won't turn from you

    Put your faith
    in the One
    Who will never
    Let you down
    He has proven His love
    Open up to what He has for you now


    He hears your cries
    He sees your tears
    He knows your pains
    and all your Fears
    He waits for you
    with Open arms
    HE longs to live
    inside your heart
    You'll never be alone again"


    -- Jaci Velasqeuz "If This World"
    Thursday Nov 2, 1999
    • I found this on my biochem website it was just too funny...

      About this site: A warm and rich welcome to you friends and contemporaries. This website is the culminated efforts of countless proctors. It has been wrought -evolved, if you will- over eons, each semester acquiescing nouveau features and information to bring you -the fresh and unsullied tenderfoot- a superior online biochemical experience. Each page has been specially designed to exhibit the utmost in enlightenment to aesthetic appeal ratio. All this in an effort to attain a zenith in multimedia education delivery. We do hope you find our edifice gratifying as well as complementary to the course. Your questions and comments regarding this monolith will be appreciated by Raffy Dakessian (

      Naw fer real kids, I can't tell ya how many older proctors, supers, and other folk helped put together what you see here. Shout-outs to all those who helped assemble this bad boy. Keep it real baybee.
  • Wednesday Oct 27, 1999
    • Not dead yet =). I really should update more, but there's not much to talk about. I do the same thing everyday -- go to school, do homework, play starcraft , do TASA, etc etc.
    • My ftp server is up. I tried sending everybody a message on ICQ, and I know some of them didn't get through, so just message me and I'll give you the info. It's mainly Korean stuff and Hip Hop. =)
    Sunday Oct 17, 1999
    • Biochem sucks.
    • Love you all.
    Tuesday Oct 5, 1999
    • Okay, I really need to update my page more often, but I've been busy like crazy lately. I think my head is going to explode.
    • At least I got one thing interesting to tell you guys. Guess what, Guess what, guess what. I got this really nice UROP (undergraduate research opportunity program) project in the UM Medical Center. I work for a Pediatric Cardiologist.
    • Love you all =)
    Tuesday Sept 28, 1999
    • Please donate to organizations helping out with the Earthquake. They really need things like blankets, tents, portable toilets etc. We're afraid an epidemic might break out next summer...
    • Second, I got an interview by the Detroit Free Press =)
    • I heard Finkl and YG Family got into a fight. That's just too funny. That's like Britney Spears getting into a fight with Snoop Doogy Dog
    Wednesday Sept 22, 1999
    • Please foward this information to the Taiwanese organization at your University.

      Dear friends,
      The Taiwanese Association of America (TAA, or Chuanbi Taioan
      Tonghiong Hoe in Taiwanese) is fund raising. They will either
      donate the cash through local governments of Nantou/Taichung,
      US relief organizations, or purchase supplies in shortage
      (if there is information).

      The checks should be payable to the Taiwanese Association of
      America (TAA). For now, you can mail the checks to

      Taiwanese Collegian
      c/o Earthquake Relief
      P.O. Box 354
      Florham Park, NJ 07932
    • For those of you that are in Michigan, TASA is starting a relief fund. We have a meeting this Friday at 6:00PM in the Wolverine Room (in the Union). We will be taking donations there. If you cannot make it to the meeting you can give me them money or drop the money off in the TASA office (4306 Union).
    Tuesday Sept 21, 1999
    • Thanks for those who are concerned about my family. Everybody is okay. Thank God. I'm really happy that a lot of you were concerned. And for those that WEREN'T concerned, you just made it on my hit list.....
    • TASA will be setting up relief fund. So those of the that can spare a few bucks, please donate. I will give you more information when I go setup the account.
    Monday Sept 20, 1999
    • I finally updated my homepage. I'm trying to give it a new look. I'm getting tired of that dark and evil look. This looks much more peaceful. =)

    Tueday Feb. 23, 1999

    • HUAREN CULTURAL SHOW: HURAN ROCKED!!!!!!! OVER 700 people attended! I know all of them came just cause they knew I would be one of MC's (hehehe... just kidding).
    • Happy Birtday to Dolly, the first cloned sheep.

    Sunday Feb. 14, 1999

    • Sorry for the lack of updates.

    Monday Feb. 1, 1999

    • ANTI-EPIC MAILING LIST is up and running. I sent an email out and if you didn't get it, then email me. Or you can email the anti-epic maling list at!

    Monday Jan. 25, 1999

    • I've noticed a consistent drop in visitation over the past couple days so I guess that means it's time for another update.
    • ANTI-EPIC: COME ON PEOPLE WE NEED TO REVIVE THE ANTI-EPIC!!! SOME OF YOU HAVEN'T SUBMITTED A CHARACTER SKETCH (UH HUM... SHANG). Okay, let me take a deep breath and calm down. I've come up with a new anti-epic topic and I'll post that up shortly. Also, I'll have a mailing list made by the end of next week. It'll probably be called . If you have already submitted a character sketch then you'll be on the list and if you want to be on the mailing list, but you haven't said anything about the anti-epic on my message board then TELL ME!

    Friday Jan. 22, 1999

    • Answer: The two groups got together and formed "Electronic" however, two members from "New Order" were left out and so they formeda group called "The Other Two"

    Sunday Jan. 17, 1999

    • Music Trivia: New Order and Pet Shop Boys mixed up and put into two groups would give you what two new music groups?
    • Weekly Topic: Life is full of learning experiences. It is part of who we are and makes us what we are today. So for this week's topic describe what college has taught you (i.e what drinks shouldn't be mixed, how to do homework or how to NOT do homework etc...)

    Friday Jan. 15, 1999

    • We Be Clubbin': Yesterday, I went to a big Asian party at "The Nectarine". Its like the ONLY club in Ann Arbor. Anyway, I went there and I have never seen soooo many good looking people in my life. Seriously, I have never in my whole life seen so many good looking people TOTAL in my life. So guys, that gives you some good reasons to transfer to Umich. =)

    Thursday Jan. 14, 1999

    • Well, I haven't updated in a while, but my message board has been pretty active lately. =)
    • One thing that annoys me about College is that all my groundwork has to restarted. Augh

    Tuesday Jan. 5, 1999

    • I made it back to Ann Arbor and I was only stranded on the Taxiway for one hour!
    • THERE'S SO MUCH SNOW!!!!!!

    Sunday Jan. 3, 1999

    • I leave for UM tomorrow morning. I heard the airport has been shut down for the past few days for snowing. I sure hope I don't get stuck in Osaka overnight...

    Saturday Jan. 2, 1999

    • Correction: With special thanks to Judy, she told me that there is a "Texas Fried Chicken" in some place other then Taiwan. And that is, there is one in SINGAPORE, yes, SINGAPORE (No, NOT TEXAS...).
    • The new EURO-DOLLAR went into effect starting yesterday. What's neat about this coin is that on one side of the coin you have the standard Euro-dollar engraving, but each country gets to put whatever design they want on the other side of the coin. So if any of you go to europe, please get me a euro-dollar from the country your at (or if you can get one from any other country that would be great too) and I will be more then happy to pay you the current exchange rate in either US dollars or Taiwan NT =).

    Wednesday Dec 30, 1998

    • Only in Taiwan....
      Do you find bakeries that look like five star hotels and computer stores that look like trash dumps....
      Where people put corn and peas on pizza...
      Where water leaves an after taste...

    Sunday Dec 27, 1998

    • I have safely landed on a tiny little island in the middle of the pacific ocean that's the shape of a sweet potato. Its kinda neat being back in Taiwan. I never realized how many things are native to only Taiwan....
      Only in Taiwan will you find....
      "Texas Fried Chicken"
      a very distinct shade of banana yellow on clothing
      clothing with English words that make absolutly no sense
      where a red light at an intersection seems to be used for reference only
      Where a two lane road is turned into a three lane road WHILE the sides of the road are used for parking spaces...
    • For some reason my bullentin board doesn't work, but Louis's does and we both use the same server.... so if you want to put up a message then be sure the email it to me

    Sunday Dec 20, 1998

    • "Last Christmas I gave you my heart
      The very next day you gave it away
      This year
      To save me from tears
      I gave it to someone special..."

    Saturday Dec 19, 1998


    Friday Dec 18, 1998

    • It SNOWED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • I found two berets in my backpack when I got back from Houston in Thanksgiving. I don't know how it got there. If any of you are missing a black or a green hair clip then tell me and I'll send it back to you =).

    Tuesday Dec 15, 1998

    • I'm done with finals!!!!!
    • I've added a Message Board. The focus of this message board is so we can debate ideas and explore life in general, but you can put whatever you want on it =). This week's topic will be... LET'S COME UP WITH IDEAS FOR THE ANTI-EPIC!

    Monday Dec 14, 1998

    • I've just realized that I have spent 20 hours here in the library for the past two days. Actually, I'm still at the library right now studying for my last final(Yippee!!).
    • Anti-epic:I guess I'll take the first step in reviving the anti-epic. If you want to be in the Anti-epic, please email me.. Right now these are the current writers of the Anti-epic: Me, Jonathon, Shangrila, Terrell, Brian Lee, Nikhil, and Sarita. And I appoint Steve Mains as the official "Point out stupid mistakes and laugh at them" officer (aka POSMALAT Officer).

    Sunday Dec 12, 1998

    • I have an ORGO FINAL Tomorrow!!! AAAAHHHHHH!!! Hope you guys all do well on your finals!!

    Friday Dec 12, 1998

    • "Birdie Birdie in the sky,
      Why did you do that to my eye?
      I'm so happpy cows don't fly
      Birdie Birdie in the sky"
    • The Neat Page is Updated

    Wednesday Dec 9, 1998

    • I've decided that the reason I don't understand females is that they think backwards. For example, when girls are stressed they have the tendency to go eat desserts. And if you take the word "Stressed" and spell it backwards, you get the word "Desserts."

    Monday Dec 7, 1998

    • One Down: I've obtained my second officer position of this year -- TASA Publications Chair. This puts me one year ahead in my plan for world domination (Just kidding). TASA is really neat. I like the club because it has a lot of really nice people in it.

    Friday Dec 4, 1998

    • College life is just full on inconveniences and one of these inconveniences is doing laundry. I do my laundry about once every week and half, and everytime I do it, it's a battle over getting a luandry machine and then getting the best drier. Well, through trial and error, I've discovered the best time to do laundry ins between 2:00 to 4:00AM on Saturday mornings (which is right now, the time I'm writing this). There is NO ONE in the laundry room. Everybody is either partying, sleeping, or goofing off. And so I can have the luxury of getting the best drier and not having to fight over washing machines...
    • I realized that if you have an older version of Netscape this page looks really crappy, so if you see a lot of words underlined then that means you have the old version. Get the NEW ONE!!

    Monday Nov. 30, 1998

    • Well, I spent my first day back from Thanksgiving and I already miss Sugar Land. Too bad I won't be coming back for Christmas; I guess visiting my family is something I have to do too.
    • ANTI-EPIC: okay, guys we really need to get the antiepic going again. We need to think of a really nice starting point for the Anti-epic. We need to have some sort of starting plot and I just seem to think of one. The starting plot needs to be something that flexible and rigid and the sametime. I want the Anti-epic to be a game, like a big strategy game where the characters ally, betray, and compete with each other towards some sort of goal -- power, wealth, happiness etc. Anyway, if you have any ideas then email me.

    Tuesday-- Nov. 24, 1998

    • I'll be in Houston tomorrow!!!! My Flight arrives in Hobby at 9:00PM. I will be staying at my aunt's house which you can reach me at 565-4169. She lives right next to Clements.
    • :)

      What did you expect, Dean? Ask a question like this, and you're popping open the big P box...


      Nothing. Everything.
      It can be seen as almost anything - it's one of the greatly heralded Traits of Man. And it's become something of a Pandora's box itself - ask the world what love is, and you'll get 5,958,041,245 different answers (current world pop. as estimated by the POPClock Projection). Why? We are all unique. No, not the traditional humanistic view - (in a sweet, syrup-ey voice), "You are all wonderful, wonderful people, and remember that each and every one of you is very, very special..." We are unique in that few people have minds that work with their environment in exactly the same way. Every person will take different parts of their aggregate experiences and come up with their personal beliefs.

      Looking back on the responses below, each can only tell as far as their lives as brought to them. It'd be a killer experiment to put everyone we know (I'm talking about the CHS group here) in a sealed room and have them to come up with a singular definition that encompasses each of their beliefs.

      And myself?

      The feeling of love is common enough - it can be self-induced by simple enough thoughts. The love that I value is, for lack of a better word, that holds that feeling stable, and deepens that feeling, despite the natural problems that are thrown up against it. The "true"-ness of a relationship.

      The soulmate concept? Well, that goes back to, "You're one in a million!" (which is the same as saying there are at least a thousand of you in China....)

      What do you want love to be? A shelter in the storm? An elusive beast? A hand to hold?

      I'll even be so vain as to put in some advice (I consider it vain, anyway, after all, who the hell am I to say? :) ---Find out what it is you want out of your life. For some, it may very well be that all they want is to find a love to completely immerse themselves in, and never deal with anything else again. (Akin to Tamahome and Miaka cooing each other's name back and forth on the back of some bus all day :) Others will want a complete life, with love becoming a feeling that serves to enrich every aspect of it An analogy that works well is the effect of a drop shadow on almost any image or text.

      Now, which one looks better? The one on the right, of course. And guess what? The color of the text is EXACTLY the same. The left one simply looks richer, though, doesn't it? :)

      In conclusion...well, there is no conclusion. That's not for any great meaning, I just have to go to volunteer at the Salvation Army for the next couple of hours. Hope you all had as much fun reading this as I did writing it...bye!


    Wednesday-- Nov. 18, 1998

    • Last Friday I went to see La Traviata. It's was a really good show. It's a good opera to bring a date too (no, I didn't have one).

    Friday-- Nov. 13, 1998

    • NEW!!!!!! I know have a personal CHAT ROOM, but in order to use it you have to register. Please register and then we can set up times to chat. Bring your friends!
    • PAINTBALL: I went paintballing Sunday. I must admit that beats laser tag by far. Too bad the guns aren't as accurate though. I played for about five to six hours, and managed to kill about three people. I have no bruises =)

    Saturday-- Nov. 7, 1998

    • "Love is like a rainbow....each color is vibrant, distinct, different. One can have many loves.... But as far as that one special Love that everyone (at least all the freshmen guys I know) seems to be searching for, I don't think that Aristophanes' "Soulmate" Theory applies...(the Myth: At the beginning of time, human beings were actually double-beings in the form of two human beings joined together in a globular, cartwheeling shape. These came in male-male, male-female, and female-female types. But these humans were terribly ambitious and wanted to overthrow the Gods. So Zeus split them into two with his mighty thunderbolt and Apollo healed their this day, each human being is searching for that "other half" that they were torn from.) One might say Love is a way to complete oneself, like Jerry MacGuire. But I say it exists in every cranny of our lives, enriching it constantly. Love is something that blooms quietly without notice. And it only deepens with time, into those shades that our eyes cannot see. Therein lies the beauty of Love. Not in falling head over heels, or even growing old. But as a convention by which we may attempt to find meaning in our existence.

      Through a more cynical approach, I also say that Love is a way for people to hang on to something. Make a meaning. In the end, it operates as an illusion, blinding us so that we cannot see our faults, nor the others. And so through our tinted lenses of Love, at least we can find some measure of peace.

      So to all I say, happy searching for will find it. Of that you may be certain."
      - Sarita Patil

    Tuesday-- Nov. 3, 1998

    • WOW I'm really glad that you guys are starting responding to my weekly topic! Cool! So far I've gotten four responses (all girls I might add... no guys yet).
    • COLD!!!! It is sooo cold now. We got a cold front coming through. Its suppose to reach the 20's today. So you people in Houston might be getting a weakened version of this coldness in a couple of days. I hope it snows soon!
      More Responses.....

      "To me, love is when you do everything in your power to show the person you love that you care. It's doing all the little things that put a smile on their face, or gets that look in their eye. It is when you would give yourself for this person because your own life means nothing without their happiness. when you can watch them sleep for hours just becauses they are at peace, listen to them talk for hours about nothing and most importantly, see past all of their faults because none of those things matter, then you really love a person..."
      -Tina Philip

      "This is a tough question to be asking a 17-year-old but I'll try my best...Love is when someone brings out the best in you. Differences are put aside because love is the epitome of all emotions. It is a tingling sensation evoked by that special someone, your other half, your soul mate. Love is not about sacrificing such and such to be with a certain individual; it asks for no boundaries or standards. Nor is love serene (actually, a "perfect" relationship is kinda eerie). True love, to the best of my knowledge, endures the tears and tribulations as well as the delights and pleasures of life. It just happens--a strong, mutual affinity between two people (very definition- ish, I know)--and when it does happen I'm sure you'll know it, but in the meantime go out and enjoy life."
      -Tina Wang

      Love Is
      They say it's a river that circles the Earth
      A beam of light shining to the edge of the universe
      It conquers all, it changes everything
      They say it's a blessing, they say it's a gift
      They say it's a miracle and I believe that it is
      It conquers all, but it's a mystery

      Love breaks your heart
      Love takes no less than everything
      Love makes it hard
      And it fades away so easily

      In this world we created, in this place that we live
      In the blink of an eye, babe, the darkness slips in
      Love lights the world
      unites the lovers for eternity...

      Love breaks the chains
      Love aches for every one of us
      Love takes the tears and the pain
      And then turns it into the beauty that remains

      Look at this place, it was paradise
      But now it's dying
      I'll pray for love
      I'll take my chances, that it's not too late

      Love breaks your heart
      Love takes no less than everything
      Love makes it hard
      And it fades away so easily
      Oh Oh Oh, Love breaks the chain
      Love aches for every one of us
      Love take the tears and the pain
      And it turns it into the beauty that remains...
      -Submitted by Tina Philip

    Monday-- Nov. 2, 1998

    • " I think that all relationships whether it is a love one, dating, family, community, infatuation, friendship, marriage, or professional involves 3 keys elements, and these 3 key elements detemines the quality of an relationship.
      Ethic, Emotions, and Joy
      Ethics would be how good or bad the relationship is for each other
      Emotions would be how we feel about each other
      Joy is how much we satisfy/disatisfy each other.
      People often think that attraction alone is the most important element, but in my opinoin, i think that by itself it is not sufficient to signify a relationship as one of love."
      - Jenny Liu

      "Hmmm...I don't think I've ever expereinced love. And I don't think that there are little categories of's either the real thing or it's not, and of course it's easy to mistake illusion for reality. And also, I don't know about "seeking Love." I like to think that it's supposed to happen without having to look for it. In fact, the ones searching for love probably will end up finding an imposter. Oops, nevermind my comment on love not being categorized. We certainly don't love a mom and dad the same way we love a friend, which is different from the way we love someone we'd marry. I just meant "puppy love" is actually kind of a contradiction in itself. But honestly, I don't know anything of the subject, not the kind of love Dean is refering to anyways. Don't have that kind of experience yet."
      -Jennifer Chang

    Sunday -- Nov. 1, 1998

    • NEW IDEA:From now on I'm going to have a weekly topic and we can all have a debate about it. Until I find a bullentin board we're going to have to use email. So I'll have a topic and email me a response and I'll post up that response.
    • TOPIC:I'm continue the topic of love, since that seems to be the most appropriate thing for me to talk about.... We've all fallen in love with someone at one point of our life or another -- whether its a grade school crush or that high school sweetheart or that person you want to spend the rest of your life with. It could be just puppy love or it could be something that runs much deeper then that. But what is Love? Why do each and every one of us seek love? What does Love mean? What does it mean to you? Click Here to Post

    Tuesday -- Oct. 27, 1998

    • Thank God! (just had to say that, its been a rough month and He has pulled me though a lot).
    • I've acquired my second officer postion for this school year as Secretary of my Dorm Council.

    Monday -- Oct. 26, 1998

    • For those of you that are at CHS taking Orgo. It may seem confusing now, but when you get to college you will appreciate that class sooooooooo much.

    Sunday -- Oct. 25, 1998

    • First of all, I'd like to thank Eric for being a great roomate. One thing about college is that your roomates problems become your problems. And because of my problems for the past few weeks, which I haven't fully recovered from yet, I've kept this poor guy up to 4:00 in the morning on some days. And if there are any girls looking for kind sensitive guy, I'll hook you up with Eric
    • I need to especially thank my sisters -- Jennifer, Judy, and Tina -- for helping me in every way possible.
      Jennifer- For comforting me and listening to me.
      Tina- For comforting me and listening to me too.
      Judy- Judy for always being loyal
      I know I can always rely on you girls even when the rest of the world seems to be against me.
    • Well, since I'm on a role, I might as well continue thanking everyone....
      Erin- for always willing to give advice.
      Jonathon- For saying the perfect thing to me when I needed it. I'll try to visit you in Toronto.
      Lydia- For listening to me when I just had to talk to someone.
      Sameer- For helping me rally political support =).
      Young- Dude always got my back.
      Connie- so I can make fun of her shortness. Okay, and for being my other little sis.
      Surojit And Tonia- Thanks for your attempts. Be sure to invite me to your wedding. =)
      Andrew Lee- Thanks for listening to me, and trying to sell my crappy violin.
      Shangrila- You always seem to know what to say. Thanks!
    • NEAT page updated

    Tuesday -- Oct. 20, 1998

    • I guess this is the first time my homepage will live up to its name. As most of you know, I've gone through hell for the past two weeks, and two days ago, I was finally pushed off the mountain called Love. Its a mountain that many of us try to climb -- some of us reach the top and some of us, like me, think we've reached the top, but only to be pushed off. I must admit, the view of the world is great up there. There's been so many times that I just that the world just couldn't be more perfect..... I was soo wrong.
      College has had such a profound impact on my life. It has taught me to be independent. It has taught me to be careful, but most importantly it has taught me to rely on God. College life has renewed my faith in God. He has helped me through so many things in life, and this year, He has been especially loving.
      Now most of you know that Jenny broke up with me. A lot of things are ironic. Allen and Erin also broke up at 2 years and nine months. My friend Young from across the hall also got dumped by his girfriend (also named Jenny) this past week too.
      Love is such a complicated thing. When it's there it's there. When it's not it's not. There is no reasoning behind it -- no logical conclusion or rational thinking. Love is powerful. It can make the world seem so right and so beautiful. It can make you live for someone. It will make you die for someone. It will make you want to jump off the highest building and screem "Geranamo!!!" all the way down, but Love gives you wings. It can make you soar like an eagle. You can run and not grow tired. And you can walk and not grow weary.

    Sunday -- Oct. 18, 1998

    • I've recently been accepted into a Rainbow Six Clan called "That Damn Sniper." So if you ever see a guy on the Zone called [TDS] DJTango, that's me. Two days ago I got promoted to Captain. I'm second highest ranking person now.
    • Do you know what LOVE is? IF you do tell me what you think it is. Email me.

    Friday!!!!!-- Oct. 9, 1998

    • At Umich we have a club for lyre players. It's called "Cumpulsive Lyres."

    Monday Feb. 1, 1999

    • ANTI-EPIC MAILING LIST is up and running. I sent an email out and if you didn't get it, then email me. Or you can email the anti-epic maling list at!

    Monday Jan. 25, 1999

    • I've noticed a consistent drop in visitation over the past couple days so I guess that means it's time for another update.
    • ANTI-EPIC: COME ON PEOPLE WE NEED TO REVIVE THE ANTI-EPIC!!! SOME OF YOU HAVEN'T SUBMITTED A CHARACTER SKETCH (UH HUM... SHANG). Okay, let me take a deep breath and calm down. I've come up with a new anti-epic topic and I'll post that up shortly. Also, I'll have a mailing list made by the end of next week. It'll probably be called . If you have already submitted a character sketch then you'll be on the list and if you want to be on the mailing list, but you haven't said anything about the anti-epic on my message board then TELL ME!

    Friday Jan. 22, 1999

    • Answer: The two groups got together and formed "Electronic" however, two members from "New Order" were left out and so they formeda group called "The Other Two"

    Sunday Jan. 17, 1999

    • Music Trivia: New Order and Pet Shop Boys mixed up and put into two groups would give you what two new music groups?
    • Weekly Topic: Life is full of learning experiences. It is part of who we are and makes us what we are today. So for this week's topic describe what college has taught you (i.e what drinks shouldn't be mixed, how to do homework or how to NOT do homework etc...)

    Friday Jan. 15, 1999

    • We Be Clubbin': Yesterday, I went to a big Asian party at "The Nectarine". Its like the ONLY club in Ann Arbor. Anyway, I went there and I have never seen soooo many good looking people in my life. Seriously, I have never in my whole life seen so many good looking people TOTAL in my life. So guys, that gives you some good reasons to transfer to Umich. =)

    Thursday Jan. 14, 1999

    • Well, I haven't updated in a while, but my message board has been pretty active lately. =)
    • One thing that annoys me about College is that all my groundwork has to restarted. Augh

    Tuesday Jan. 5, 1999

    • I made it back to Ann Arbor and I was only stranded on the Taxiway for one hour!
    • THERE'S SO MUCH SNOW!!!!!!

    Sunday Jan. 3, 1999

    • I leave for UM tomorrow morning. I heard the airport has been shut down for the past few days for snowing. I sure hope I don't get stuck in Osaka overnight...

    Saturday Jan. 2, 1999

    • Correction: With special thanks to Judy, she told me that there is a "Texas Fried Chicken" in some place other then Taiwan. And that is, there is one in SINGAPORE, yes, SINGAPORE (No, NOT TEXAS...).
    • The new EURO-DOLLAR went into effect starting yesterday. What's neat about this coin is that on one side of the coin you have the standard Euro-dollar engraving, but each country gets to put whatever design they want on the other side of the coin. So if any of you go to europe, please get me a euro-dollar from the country your at (or if you can get one from any other country that would be great too) and I will be more then happy to pay you the current exchange rate in either US dollars or Taiwan NT =).

    Wednesday Dec 30, 1998

    • Only in Taiwan....
      Do you find bakeries that look like five star hotels and computer stores that look like trash dumps....
      Where people put corn and peas on pizza...
      Where water leaves an after taste...

    Sunday Dec 27, 1998

    • I have safely landed on a tiny little island in the middle of the pacific ocean that's the shape of a sweet potato. Its kinda neat being back in Taiwan. I never realized how many things are native to only Taiwan....
      Only in Taiwan will you find....
      "Texas Fried Chicken"
      a very distinct shade of banana yellow on clothing
      clothing with English words that make absolutly no sense
      where a red light at an intersection seems to be used for reference only
      Where a two lane road is turned into a three lane road WHILE the sides of the road are used for parking spaces...
    • For some reason my bullentin board doesn't work, but Louis's does and we both use the same server.... so if you want to put up a message then be sure the email it to me

    Sunday Dec 20, 1998

    • "Last Christmas I gave you my heart
      The very next day you gave it away
      This year
      To save me from tears
      I gave it to someone special..."

    Saturday Dec 19, 1998


    Friday Dec 18, 1998

    • It SNOWED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • I found two berets in my backpack when I got back from Houston in Thanksgiving. I don't know how it got there. If any of you are missing a black or a green hair clip then tell me and I'll send it back to you =).

    Tuesday Dec 15, 1998

    • I'm done with finals!!!!!
    • I've added a Message Board. The focus of this message board is so we can debate ideas and explore life in general, but you can put whatever you want on it =). This week's topic will be... LET'S COME UP WITH IDEAS FOR THE ANTI-EPIC!

    Monday Dec 14, 1998

    • I've just realized that I have spent 20 hours here in the library for the past two days. Actually, I'm still at the library right now studying for my last final(Yippee!!).
    • Anti-epic:I guess I'll take the first step in reviving the anti-epic. If you want to be in the Anti-epic, please email me.. Right now these are the current writers of the Anti-epic: Me, Jonathon, Shangrila, Terrell, Brian Lee, Nikhil, and Sarita. And I appoint Steve Mains as the official "Point out stupid mistakes and laugh at them" officer (aka POSMALAT Officer).

    Sunday Dec 12, 1998

    • I have an ORGO FINAL Tomorrow!!! AAAAHHHHHH!!! Hope you guys all do well on your finals!!

    Friday Dec 12, 1998

    • "Birdie Birdie in the sky,
      Why did you do that to my eye?
      I'm so happpy cows don't fly
      Birdie Birdie in the sky"
    • The Neat Page is Updated

    Wednesday Dec 9, 1998

    • I've decided that the reason I don't understand females is that they think backwards. For example, when girls are stressed they have the tendency to go eat desserts. And if you take the word "Stressed" and spell it backwards, you get the word "Desserts."

    Monday Dec 7, 1998

    • One Down: I've obtained my second officer position of this year -- TASA Publications Chair. This puts me one year ahead in my plan for world domination (Just kidding). TASA is really neat. I like the club because it has a lot of really nice people in it.

    Friday Dec 4, 1998

    • College life is just full on inconveniences and one of these inconveniences is doing laundry. I do my laundry about once every week and half, and everytime I do it, it's a battle over getting a luandry machine and then getting the best drier. Well, through trial and error, I've discovered the best time to do laundry ins between 2:00 to 4:00AM on Saturday mornings (which is right now, the time I'm writing this). There is NO ONE in the laundry room. Everybody is either partying, sleeping, or goofing off. And so I can have the luxury of getting the best drier and not having to fight over washing machines...
    • I realized that if you have an older version of Netscape this page looks really crappy, so if you see a lot of words underlined then that means you have the old version. Get the NEW ONE!!

    Monday Nov. 30, 1998

    • Well, I spent my first day back from Thanksgiving and I already miss Sugar Land. Too bad I won't be coming back for Christmas; I guess visiting my family is something I have to do too.
    • ANTI-EPIC: okay, guys we really need to get the antiepic going again. We need to think of a really nice starting point for the Anti-epic. We need to have some sort of starting plot and I just seem to think of one. The starting plot needs to be something that flexible and rigid and the sametime. I want the Anti-epic to be a game, like a big strategy game where the characters ally, betray, and compete with each other towards some sort of goal -- power, wealth, happiness etc. Anyway, if you have any ideas then email me.

    Tuesday-- Nov. 24, 1998

    • I'll be in Houston tomorrow!!!! My Flight arrives in Hobby at 9:00PM. I will be staying at my aunt's house which you can reach me at 565-4169. She lives right next to Clements.
    • :)

      What did you expect, Dean? Ask a question like this, and you're popping open the big P box...


      Nothing. Everything.
      It can be seen as almost anything - it's one of the greatly heralded Traits of Man. And it's become something of a Pandora's box itself - ask the world what love is, and you'll get 5,958,041,245 different answers (current world pop. as estimated by the POPClock Projection). Why? We are all unique. No, not the traditional humanistic view - (in a sweet, syrup-ey voice), "You are all wonderful, wonderful people, and remember that each and every one of you is very, very special..." We are unique in that few people have minds that work with their environment in exactly the same way. Every person will take different parts of their aggregate experiences and come up with their personal beliefs.

      Looking back on the responses below, each can only tell as far as their lives as brought to them. It'd be a killer experiment to put everyone we know (I'm talking about the CHS group here) in a sealed room and have them to come up with a singular definition that encompasses each of their beliefs.

      And myself?

      The feeling of love is common enough - it can be self-induced by simple enough thoughts. The love that I value is, for lack of a better word, that holds that feeling stable, and deepens that feeling, despite the natural problems that are thrown up against it. The "true"-ness of a relationship.

      The soulmate concept? Well, that goes back to, "You're one in a million!" (which is the same as saying there are at least a thousand of you in China....)

      What do you want love to be? A shelter in the storm? An elusive beast? A hand to hold?

      I'll even be so vain as to put in some advice (I consider it vain, anyway, after all, who the hell am I to say? :) ---Find out what it is you want out of your life. For some, it may very well be that all they want is to find a love to completely immerse themselves in, and never deal with anything else again. (Akin to Tamahome and Miaka cooing each other's name back and forth on the back of some bus all day :) Others will want a complete life, with love becoming a feeling that serves to enrich every aspect of it An analogy that works well is the effect of a drop shadow on almost any image or text.

      Now, which one looks better? The one on the right, of course. And guess what? The color of the text is EXACTLY the same. The left one simply looks richer, though, doesn't it? :)

      In conclusion...well, there is no conclusion. That's not for any great meaning, I just have to go to volunteer at the Salvation Army for the next couple of hours. Hope you all had as much fun reading this as I did writing it...bye!


    Wednesday-- Nov. 18, 1998

    • Last Friday I went to see La Traviata. It's was a really good show. It's a good opera to bring a date too (no, I didn't have one).

    Friday-- Nov. 13, 1998

    • NEW!!!!!! I know have a personal CHAT ROOM, but in order to use it you have to register. Please register and then we can set up times to chat. Bring your friends!
    • PAINTBALL: I went paintballing Sunday. I must admit that beats laser tag by far. Too bad the guns aren't as accurate though. I played for about five to six hours, and managed to kill about three people. I have no bruises =)

    Saturday-- Nov. 7, 1998

    • "Love is like a rainbow....each color is vibrant, distinct, different. One can have many loves.... But as far as that one special Love that everyone (at least all the freshmen guys I know) seems to be searching for, I don't think that Aristophanes' "Soulmate" Theory applies...(the Myth: At the beginning of time, human beings were actually double-beings in the form of two human beings joined together in a globular, cartwheeling shape. These came in male-male, male-female, and female-female types. But these humans were terribly ambitious and wanted to overthrow the Gods. So Zeus split them into two with his mighty thunderbolt and Apollo healed their this day, each human being is searching for that "other half" that they were torn from.) One might say Love is a way to complete oneself, like Jerry MacGuire. But I say it exists in every cranny of our lives, enriching it constantly. Love is something that blooms quietly without notice. And it only deepens with time, into those shades that our eyes cannot see. Therein lies the beauty of Love. Not in falling head over heels, or even growing old. But as a convention by which we may attempt to find meaning in our existence.

      Through a more cynical approach, I also say that Love is a way for people to hang on to something. Make a meaning. In the end, it operates as an illusion, blinding us so that we cannot see our faults, nor the others. And so through our tinted lenses of Love, at least we can find some measure of peace.

      So to all I say, happy searching for will find it. Of that you may be certain."
      - Sarita Patil

    Tuesday-- Nov. 3, 1998

    • WOW I'm really glad that you guys are starting responding to my weekly topic! Cool! So far I've gotten four responses (all girls I might add... no guys yet).
    • COLD!!!! It is sooo cold now. We got a cold front coming through. Its suppose to reach the 20's today. So you people in Houston might be getting a weakened version of this coldness in a couple of days. I hope it snows soon!
      More Responses.....

      "To me, love is when you do everything in your power to show the person you love that you care. It's doing all the little things that put a smile on their face, or gets that look in their eye. It is when you would give yourself for this person because your own life means nothing without their happiness. when you can watch them sleep for hours just becauses they are at peace, listen to them talk for hours about nothing and most importantly, see past all of their faults because none of those things matter, then you really love a person..."
      -Tina Philip

      "This is a tough question to be asking a 17-year-old but I'll try my best...Love is when someone brings out the best in you. Differences are put aside because love is the epitome of all emotions. It is a tingling sensation evoked by that special someone, your other half, your soul mate. Love is not about sacrificing such and such to be with a certain individual; it asks for no boundaries or standards. Nor is love serene (actually, a "perfect" relationship is kinda eerie). True love, to the best of my knowledge, endures the tears and tribulations as well as the delights and pleasures of life. It just happens--a strong, mutual affinity between two people (very definition- ish, I know)--and when it does happen I'm sure you'll know it, but in the meantime go out and enjoy life."
      -Tina Wang

      Love Is
      They say it's a river that circles the Earth
      A beam of light shining to the edge of the universe
      It conquers all, it changes everything
      They say it's a blessing, they say it's a gift
      They say it's a miracle and I believe that it is
      It conquers all, but it's a mystery

      Love breaks your heart
      Love takes no less than everything
      Love makes it hard
      And it fades away so easily

      In this world we created, in this place that we live
      In the blink of an eye, babe, the darkness slips in
      Love lights the world
      unites the lovers for eternity...

      Love breaks the chains
      Love aches for every one of us
      Love takes the tears and the pain
      And then turns it into the beauty that remains

      Look at this place, it was paradise
      But now it's dying
      I'll pray for love
      I'll take my chances, that it's not too late

      Love breaks your heart
      Love takes no less than everything
      Love makes it hard
      And it fades away so easily
      Oh Oh Oh, Love breaks the chain
      Love aches for every one of us
      Love take the tears and the pain
      And it turns it into the beauty that remains...
      -Submitted by Tina Philip

    Monday-- Nov. 2, 1998

    • " I think that all relationships whether it is a love one, dating, family, community, infatuation, friendship, marriage, or professional involves 3 keys elements, and these 3 key elements detemines the quality of an relationship.
      Ethic, Emotions, and Joy
      Ethics would be how good or bad the relationship is for each other
      Emotions would be how we feel about each other
      Joy is how much we satisfy/disatisfy each other.
      People often think that attraction alone is the most important element, but in my opinoin, i think that by itself it is not sufficient to signify a relationship as one of love."
      - Jenny Liu

      "Hmmm...I don't think I've ever expereinced love. And I don't think that there are little categories of's either the real thing or it's not, and of course it's easy to mistake illusion for reality. And also, I don't know about "seeking Love." I like to think that it's supposed to happen without having to look for it. In fact, the ones searching for love probably will end up finding an imposter. Oops, nevermind my comment on love not being categorized. We certainly don't love a mom and dad the same way we love a friend, which is different from the way we love someone we'd marry. I just meant "puppy love" is actually kind of a contradiction in itself. But honestly, I don't know anything of the subject, not the kind of love Dean is refering to anyways. Don't have that kind of experience yet."
      -Jennifer Chang

    Sunday -- Nov. 1, 1998

    • NEW IDEA:From now on I'm going to have a weekly topic and we can all have a debate about it. Until I find a bullentin board we're going to have to use email. So I'll have a topic and email me a response and I'll post up that response.
    • TOPIC:I'm continue the topic of love, since that seems to be the most appropriate thing for me to talk about.... We've all fallen in love with someone at one point of our life or another -- whether its a grade school crush or that high school sweetheart or that person you want to spend the rest of your life with. It could be just puppy love or it could be something that runs much deeper then that. But what is Love? Why do each and every one of us seek love? What does Love mean? What does it mean to you? Click Here to Post

    Tuesday -- Oct. 27, 1998

    • Thank God! (just had to say that, its been a rough month and He has pulled me though a lot).
    • I've acquired my second officer postion for this school year as Secretary of my Dorm Council.

    Monday -- Oct. 26, 1998

    • For those of you that are at CHS taking Orgo. It may seem confusing now, but when you get to college you will appreciate that class sooooooooo much.

    Sunday -- Oct. 25, 1998

    • First of all, I'd like to thank Eric for being a great roomate. One thing about college is that your roomates problems become your problems. And because of my problems for the past few weeks, which I haven't fully recovered from yet, I've kept this poor guy up to 4:00 in the morning on some days. And if there are any girls looking for kind sensitive guy, I'll hook you up with Eric
    • I need to especially thank my sisters -- Jennifer, Judy, and Tina -- for helping me in every way possible.
      Jennifer- For comforting me and listening to me.
      Tina- For comforting me and listening to me too.
      Judy- Judy for always being loyal
      I know I can always rely on you girls even when the rest of the world seems to be against me.
    • Well, since I'm on a role, I might as well continue thanking everyone....
      Erin- for always willing to give advice.
      Jonathon- For saying the perfect thing to me when I needed it. I'll try to visit you in Toronto.
      Lydia- For listening to me when I just had to talk to someone.
      Sameer- For helping me rally political support =).
      Young- Dude always got my back.
      Connie- so I can make fun of her shortness. Okay, and for being my other little sis.
      Surojit And Tonia- Thanks for your attempts. Be sure to invite me to your wedding. =)
      Andrew Lee- Thanks for listening to me, and trying to sell my crappy violin.
      Shangrila- You always seem to know what to say. Thanks!
    • NEAT page updated

    Tuesday -- Oct. 20, 1998

    • I guess this is the first time my homepage will live up to its name. As most of you know, I've gone through hell for the past two weeks, and two days ago, I was finally pushed off the mountain called Love. Its a mountain that many of us try to climb -- some of us reach the top and some of us, like me, think we've reached the top, but only to be pushed off. I must admit, the view of the world is great up there. There's been so many times that I just that the world just couldn't be more perfect..... I was soo wrong.
      College has had such a profound impact on my life. It has taught me to be independent. It has taught me to be careful, but most importantly it has taught me to rely on God. College life has renewed my faith in God. He has helped me through so many things in life, and this year, He has been especially loving.
      Now most of you know that Jenny broke up with me. A lot of things are ironic. Allen and Erin also broke up at 2 years and nine months. My friend Young from across the hall also got dumped by his girfriend (also named Jenny) this past week too.
      Love is such a complicated thing. When it's there it's there. When it's not it's not. There is no reasoning behind it -- no logical conclusion or rational thinking. Love is powerful. It can make the world seem so right and so beautiful. It can make you live for someone. It will make you die for someone. It will make you want to jump off the highest building and screem "Geranamo!!!" all the way down, but Love gives you wings. It can make you soar like an eagle. You can run and not grow tired. And you can walk and not grow weary.

    Sunday -- Oct. 18, 1998

    • I've recently been accepted into a Rainbow Six Clan called "That Damn Sniper." So if you ever see a guy on the Zone called [TDS] DJTango, that's me. Two days ago I got promoted to Captain. I'm second highest ranking person now.
    • Do you know what LOVE is? IF you do tell me what you think it is. Email me.

    Friday!!!!!-- Oct. 9, 1998

    • At Umich we have a club for lyre players. It's called "Cumpulsive Lyres."

    Sunday Dec 27, 1998

    • I have safely landed on a tiny little island in the middle of the pacific ocean that's the shape of a sweet potato. Its kinda neat being back in Taiwan. I never realized how many things are native to only Taiwan....
      Only in Taiwan will you find....
      "Texas Fried Chicken"
      a very distinct shade of banana yellow on clothing
      clothing with English words that make absolutly no sense
      where a red light at an intersection seems to be used for reference only
      Where a two lane road is turned into a three lane road WHILE the sides of the road are used for parking spaces...
    • For some reason my bullentin board doesn't work, but Louis's does and we both use the same server.... so if you want to put up a message then be sure the email it to me

    Sunday Dec 20, 1998

    • "Last Christmas I gave you my heart
      The very next day you gave it away
      This year
      To save me from tears
      I gave it to someone special..."

    Saturday Dec 19, 1998


    Friday Dec 18, 1998

    • It SNOWED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • I found two berets in my backpack when I got back from Houston in Thanksgiving. I don't know how it got there. If any of you are missing a black or a green hair clip then tell me and I'll send it back to you =).

    Tuesday Dec 15, 1998

    • I'm done with finals!!!!!
    • I've added a Message Board. The focus of this message board is so we can debate ideas and explore life in general, but you can put whatever you want on it =). This week's topic will be... LET'S COME UP WITH IDEAS FOR THE ANTI-EPIC!

    Monday Dec 14, 1998

    • I've just realized that I have spent 20 hours here in the library for the past two days. Actually, I'm still at the library right now studying for my last final(Yippee!!).
    • Anti-epic:I guess I'll take the first step in reviving the anti-epic. If you want to be in the Anti-epic, please email me.. Right now these are the current writers of the Anti-epic: Me, Jonathon, Shangrila, Terrell, Brian Lee, Nikhil, and Sarita. And I appoint Steve Mains as the official "Point out stupid mistakes and laugh at them" officer (aka POSMALAT Officer).

    Sunday Dec 12, 1998

    • I have an ORGO FINAL Tomorrow!!! AAAAHHHHHH!!! Hope you guys all do well on your finals!!

    Friday Dec 12, 1998

    • "Birdie Birdie in the sky,
      Why did you do that to my eye?
      I'm so happpy cows don't fly
      Birdie Birdie in the sky"
    • The Neat Page is Updated

    Wednesday Dec 9, 1998

    • I've decided that the reason I don't understand females is that they think backwards. For example, when girls are stressed they have the tendency to go eat desserts. And if you take the word "Stressed" and spell it backwards, you get the word "Desserts."

    Monday Dec 7, 1998

    • One Down: I've obtained my second officer position of this year -- TASA Publications Chair. This puts me one year ahead in my plan for world domination (Just kidding). TASA is really neat. I like the club because it has a lot of really nice people in it.

    Friday Dec 4, 1998

    • College life is just full on inconveniences and one of these inconveniences is doing laundry. I do my laundry about once every week and half, and everytime I do it, it's a battle over getting a luandry machine and then getting the best drier. Well, through trial and error, I've discovered the best time to do laundry ins between 2:00 to 4:00AM on Saturday mornings (which is right now, the time I'm writing this). There is NO ONE in the laundry room. Everybody is either partying, sleeping, or goofing off. And so I can have the luxury of getting the best drier and not having to fight over washing machines...
    • I realized that if you have an older version of Netscape this page looks really crappy, so if you see a lot of words underlined then that means you have the old version. Get the NEW ONE!!

    Monday Nov. 30, 1998

    • Well, I spent my first day back from Thanksgiving and I already miss Sugar Land. Too bad I won't be coming back for Christmas; I guess visiting my family is something I have to do too.
    • ANTI-EPIC: okay, guys we really need to get the antiepic going again. We need to think of a really nice starting point for the Anti-epic. We need to have some sort of starting plot and I just seem to think of one. The starting plot needs to be something that flexible and rigid and the sametime. I want the Anti-epic to be a game, like a big strategy game where the characters ally, betray, and compete with each other towards some sort of goal -- power, wealth, happiness etc. Anyway, if you have any ideas then email me.

    Tuesday-- Nov. 24, 1998

    • I'll be in Houston tomorrow!!!! My Flight arrives in Hobby at 9:00PM. I will be staying at my aunt's house which you can reach me at 565-4169. She lives right next to Clements.
    • :)

      What did you expect, Dean? Ask a question like this, and you're popping open the big P box...


      Nothing. Everything.
      It can be seen as almost anything - it's one of the greatly heralded Traits of Man. And it's become something of a Pandora's box itself - ask the world what love is, and you'll get 5,958,041,245 different answers (current world pop. as estimated by the POPClock Projection). Why? We are all unique. No, not the traditional humanistic view - (in a sweet, syrup-ey voice), "You are all wonderful, wonderful people, and remember that each and every one of you is very, very special..." We are unique in that few people have minds that work with their environment in exactly the same way. Every person will take different parts of their aggregate experiences and come up with their personal beliefs.

      Looking back on the responses below, each can only tell as far as their lives as brought to them. It'd be a killer experiment to put everyone we know (I'm talking about the CHS group here) in a sealed room and have them to come up with a singular definition that encompasses each of their beliefs.

      And myself?

      The feeling of love is common enough - it can be self-induced by simple enough thoughts. The love that I value is, for lack of a better word, that holds that feeling stable, and deepens that feeling, despite the natural problems that are thrown up against it. The "true"-ness of a relationship.

      The soulmate concept? Well, that goes back to, "You're one in a million!" (which is the same as saying there are at least a thousand of you in China....)

      What do you want love to be? A shelter in the storm? An elusive beast? A hand to hold?

      I'll even be so vain as to put in some advice (I consider it vain, anyway, after all, who the hell am I to say? :) ---Find out what it is you want out of your life. For some, it may very well be that all they want is to find a love to completely immerse themselves in, and never deal with anything else again. (Akin to Tamahome and Miaka cooing each other's name back and forth on the back of some bus all day :) Others will want a complete life, with love becoming a feeling that serves to enrich every aspect of it An analogy that works well is the effect of a drop shadow on almost any image or text.

      Now, which one looks better? The one on the right, of course. And guess what? The color of the text is EXACTLY the same. The left one simply looks richer, though, doesn't it? :)

      In conclusion...well, there is no conclusion. That's not for any great meaning, I just have to go to volunteer at the Salvation Army for the next couple of hours. Hope you all had as much fun reading this as I did writing it...bye!


    Wednesday-- Nov. 18, 1998

    • Last Friday I went to see La Traviata. It's was a really good show. It's a good opera to bring a date too (no, I didn't have one).

    Friday-- Nov. 13, 1998

    • NEW!!!!!! I know have a personal CHAT ROOM, but in order to use it you have to register. Please register and then we can set up times to chat. Bring your friends!
    • PAINTBALL: I went paintballing Sunday. I must admit that beats laser tag by far. Too bad the guns aren't as accurate though. I played for about five to six hours, and managed to kill about three people. I have no bruises =)

    Saturday-- Nov. 7, 1998

    • "Love is like a rainbow....each color is vibrant, distinct, different. One can have many loves.... But as far as that one special Love that everyone (at least all the freshmen guys I know) seems to be searching for, I don't think that Aristophanes' "Soulmate" Theory applies...(the Myth: At the beginning of time, human beings were actually double-beings in the form of two human beings joined together in a globular, cartwheeling shape. These came in male-male, male-female, and female-female types. But these humans were terribly ambitious and wanted to overthrow the Gods. So Zeus split them into two with his mighty thunderbolt and Apollo healed their this day, each human being is searching for that "other half" that they were torn from.) One might say Love is a way to complete oneself, like Jerry MacGuire. But I say it exists in every cranny of our lives, enriching it constantly. Love is something that blooms quietly without notice. And it only deepens with time, into those shades that our eyes cannot see. Therein lies the beauty of Love. Not in falling head over heels, or even growing old. But as a convention by which we may attempt to find meaning in our existence.

      Through a more cynical approach, I also say that Love is a way for people to hang on to something. Make a meaning. In the end, it operates as an illusion, blinding us so that we cannot see our faults, nor the others. And so through our tinted lenses of Love, at least we can find some measure of peace.

      So to all I say, happy searching for will find it. Of that you may be certain."
      - Sarita Patil

    Tuesday-- Nov. 3, 1998

    • WOW I'm really glad that you guys are starting responding to my weekly topic! Cool! So far I've gotten four responses (all girls I might add... no guys yet).
    • COLD!!!! It is sooo cold now. We got a cold front coming through. Its suppose to reach the 20's today. So you people in Houston might be getting a weakened version of this coldness in a couple of days. I hope it snows soon!
      More Responses.....

      "To me, love is when you do everything in your power to show the person you love that you care. It's doing all the little things that put a smile on their face, or gets that look in their eye. It is when you would give yourself for this person because your own life means nothing without their happiness. when you can watch them sleep for hours just becauses they are at peace, listen to them talk for hours about nothing and most importantly, see past all of their faults because none of those things matter, then you really love a person..."
      -Tina Philip

      "This is a tough question to be asking a 17-year-old but I'll try my best...Love is when someone brings out the best in you. Differences are put aside because love is the epitome of all emotions. It is a tingling sensation evoked by that special someone, your other half, your soul mate. Love is not about sacrificing such and such to be with a certain individual; it asks for no boundaries or standards. Nor is love serene (actually, a "perfect" relationship is kinda eerie). True love, to the best of my knowledge, endures the tears and tribulations as well as the delights and pleasures of life. It just happens--a strong, mutual affinity between two people (very definition- ish, I know)--and when it does happen I'm sure you'll know it, but in the meantime go out and enjoy life."
      -Tina Wang

      Love Is
      They say it's a river that circles the Earth
      A beam of light shining to the edge of the universe
      It conquers all, it changes everything
      They say it's a blessing, they say it's a gift
      They say it's a miracle and I believe that it is
      It conquers all, but it's a mystery

      Love breaks your heart
      Love takes no less than everything
      Love makes it hard
      And it fades away so easily

      In this world we created, in this place that we live
      In the blink of an eye, babe, the darkness slips in
      Love lights the world
      unites the lovers for eternity...

      Love breaks the chains
      Love aches for every one of us
      Love takes the tears and the pain
      And then turns it into the beauty that remains

      Look at this place, it was paradise
      But now it's dying
      I'll pray for love
      I'll take my chances, that it's not too late

      Love breaks your heart
      Love takes no less than everything
      Love makes it hard
      And it fades away so easily
      Oh Oh Oh, Love breaks the chain
      Love aches for every one of us
      Love take the tears and the pain
      And it turns it into the beauty that remains...
      -Submitted by Tina Philip

    Monday-- Nov. 2, 1998

    • " I think that all relationships whether it is a love one, dating, family, community, infatuation, friendship, marriage, or professional involves 3 keys elements, and these 3 key elements detemines the quality of an relationship.
      Ethic, Emotions, and Joy
      Ethics would be how good or bad the relationship is for each other
      Emotions would be how we feel about each other
      Joy is how much we satisfy/disatisfy each other.
      People often think that attraction alone is the most important element, but in my opinoin, i think that by itself it is not sufficient to signify a relationship as one of love."
      - Jenny Liu

      "Hmmm...I don't think I've ever expereinced love. And I don't think that there are little categories of's either the real thing or it's not, and of course it's easy to mistake illusion for reality. And also, I don't know about "seeking Love." I like to think that it's supposed to happen without having to look for it. In fact, the ones searching for love probably will end up finding an imposter. Oops, nevermind my comment on love not being categorized. We certainly don't love a mom and dad the same way we love a friend, which is different from the way we love someone we'd marry. I just meant "puppy love" is actually kind of a contradiction in itself. But honestly, I don't know anything of the subject, not the kind of love Dean is refering to anyways. Don't have that kind of experience yet."
      -Jennifer Chang

    Sunday -- Nov. 1, 1998

    • NEW IDEA:From now on I'm going to have a weekly topic and we can all have a debate about it. Until I find a bullentin board we're going to have to use email. So I'll have a topic and email me a response and I'll post up that response.
    • TOPIC:I'm continue the topic of love, since that seems to be the most appropriate thing for me to talk about.... We've all fallen in love with someone at one point of our life or another -- whether its a grade school crush or that high school sweetheart or that person you want to spend the rest of your life with. It could be just puppy love or it could be something that runs much deeper then that. But what is Love? Why do each and every one of us seek love? What does Love mean? What does it mean to you? Click Here to Post

    Tuesday -- Oct. 27, 1998

    • Thank God! (just had to say that, its been a rough month and He has pulled me though a lot).
    • I've acquired my second officer postion for this school year as Secretary of my Dorm Council.

    Monday -- Oct. 26, 1998

    • For those of you that are at CHS taking Orgo. It may seem confusing now, but when you get to college you will appreciate that class sooooooooo much.

    Sunday -- Oct. 25, 1998

    • First of all, I'd like to thank Eric for being a great roomate. One thing about college is that your roomates problems become your problems. And because of my problems for the past few weeks, which I haven't fully recovered from yet, I've kept this poor guy up to 4:00 in the morning on some days. And if there are any girls looking for kind sensitive guy, I'll hook you up with Eric
    • I need to especially thank my sisters -- Jennifer, Judy, and Tina -- for helping me in every way possible.
      Jennifer- For comforting me and listening to me.
      Tina- For comforting me and listening to me too.
      Judy- Judy for always being loyal
      I know I can always rely on you girls even when the rest of the world seems to be against me.
    • Well, since I'm on a role, I might as well continue thanking everyone....
      Erin- for always willing to give advice.
      Jonathon- For saying the perfect thing to me when I needed it. I'll try to visit you in Toronto.
      Lydia- For listening to me when I just had to talk to someone.
      Sameer- For helping me rally political support =).
      Young- Dude always got my back.
      Connie- so I can make fun of her shortness. Okay, and for being my other little sis.
      Surojit And Tonia- Thanks for your attempts. Be sure to invite me to your wedding. =)
      Andrew Lee- Thanks for listening to me, and trying to sell my crappy violin.
      Shangrila- You always seem to know what to say. Thanks!
    • NEAT page updated

    Tuesday -- Oct. 20, 1998

    • I guess this is the first time my homepage will live up to its name. As most of you know, I've gone through hell for the past two weeks, and two days ago, I was finally pushed off the mountain called Love. Its a mountain that many of us try to climb -- some of us reach the top and some of us, like me, think we've reached the top, but only to be pushed off. I must admit, the view of the world is great up there. There's been so many times that I just that the world just couldn't be more perfect..... I was soo wrong.
      College has had such a profound impact on my life. It has taught me to be independent. It has taught me to be careful, but most importantly it has taught me to rely on God. College life has renewed my faith in God. He has helped me through so many things in life, and this year, He has been especially loving.
      Now most of you know that Jenny broke up with me. A lot of things are ironic. Allen and Erin also broke up at 2 years and nine months. My friend Young from across the hall also got dumped by his girfriend (also named Jenny) this past week too.
      Love is such a complicated thing. When it's there it's there. When it's not it's not. There is no reasoning behind it -- no logical conclusion or rational thinking. Love is powerful. It can make the world seem so right and so beautiful. It can make you live for someone. It will make you die for someone. It will make you want to jump off the highest building and screem "Geranamo!!!" all the way down, but Love gives you wings. It can make you soar like an eagle. You can run and not grow tired. And you can walk and not grow weary.

    Sunday -- Oct. 18, 1998

    • I've recently been accepted into a Rainbow Six Clan called "That Damn Sniper." So if you ever see a guy on the Zone called [TDS] DJTango, that's me. Two days ago I got promoted to Captain. I'm second highest ranking person now.
    • Do you know what LOVE is? IF you do tell me what you think it is. Email me.

    Friday!!!!!-- Oct. 9, 1998

    • At Umich we have a club for lyre players. It's called "Cumpulsive Lyres."

    Friday!!!!!-- Oct. 2, 1998

    • Right now I feel sick. And it sucks.
    • Good News: I did get my signatures and in fact I got more then enough. I got 65 signatures. What I did was I waited at the exit of the cafeteria and asked people to sign and when they did I gave them a starburst. Takes guts huh? It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
    • Special Thanks to EVERYBODY that's been a consistent visitor. And yes, ESPECIALLY Jenny.

    Thursday-- Oct. 1, 1998

    • Gee, Nobody has been updating their page. I guess I will. I've had absolutly nothing interesting happen except I'm supose to have an election coming up in a week or so. Right now, I have to collect 50 signatures just to get nominated. Augh. I don't think I even know that many people. I haven't had the time to lay out enough groundwork for political campaigning. So you have any suggestions for me feel free to email me.
    • The student government here runs on three different levels. There's a governement in each wing of a dorm (I'm running for chairman of one of them). Then there's a government for the whole dorm (yes, I'm in that too). Then there's a government for each school (engineering, Architecture, etc.). That government deals with academic policies. Then there's the BIG overall student goverment which has nine representatives (out of about 150 candidates) open for the legislature body for each school. Like if we have five schools then 45 positions are open and about 750 people run for those 45 spots. And no, to answer your question, I'm not running for that. What I find neat is that the President and the VP for the student Gov't have to run on one slate. Pretty cool, huh?

    Saturday-- Sept. 26, 1998

    • Special thanks to How-Ying for being a consistent visitor!
    • Murphy's Law (Laws of BS): The exsistence of Murphy's law has once again proved itself. If you ever play pool everytime you bank a shot the cue ball will bounce off all the walls several times, missing every possible ball and then hitting the eight ball into the hole. However if you have no balls left and only have to hit the eight ball in then the cue ball will hit ALL your opponents balls in for him and never even touch the eight ball.

    Saturday-- Sept. 26, 1998

    • Hunaid, Johnathon, and I got published in the 20th Century magazine. The First Lady also had a article published in that issue. =)
    • If someone can get me the Sept. 2 Business Section of the Houston Chronicle, I would be in your debt. The back cover of that section has a picture of Alice, Shang, and Me from the Future Unlimited Conference.

  • Thursday-- Sept. 24, 1998

    • Jenny got electedo to UH's Student Government!!! Yippe!!
    • Today I went to Intervarsity Christian Fellowship. It reminded me a lot about the youth fellowship back home. And even though, I'm so far away from Houston and my family is on the otherside of the world. I felt that God is with me, and if any of you are feeling lonely or homesick then I really encourage you to join a fellowship. I don't think there's a Intervarsity on every campus, but there should be a Campus Crusade Fellowship. Have fun and good luck!

    Monday-- Sept. 21, 1998

    • Election Moved:The election wasn't yesterday and in fact it got postponed indefinitly. I'm running for the chairman of one of the four wings in my dorm. I think each wing houses about 300 people. Anyway, its bigger then math club and orchestra combined.
    • Hunaid is finally going to college! Yippee!!

    Saturday-- Sept. 19, 1998

    • Complaint: As I have complained before. I have to ride a bus everyday to go to class. The buses come about every ten minutes on weekdays and on weekend/holidays its SUPPOSE to come once every twenty minutes, but I have now come to the conclusion that buses do not come every 20 minutes. They simply come whenever they want to.
    • Rainbow Six: This game gives Quake II a good spanking.
    • We all wish Shangrila good luck on being a White House intern. =)

  • Friday-- Sept. 18, 1998

    • Special thanks to Steven Sbar for being a consistent visitor to my page
    • I know I have more friends then this so sign my guestbook!

    Tuesday-- Sept. 15, 1998

    • The Unabomber was a graduate of Univ. of Michigan.
    • The Peace Corp. was an idea by UM students and started here on this campus by John F. Kennedy

    Monday-- Sept. 7, 1998

    • I have my first election coming up this Sunday. Wish me Luck!!!
    • An assistant at the Secretary of State's office described Monica Lewinsky had been getting a lot of "face time" with the president

    Monday-- Sept. 7, 1998

    • Tomorrow I start school. (Yippee?) I get to go to my Orgo chem lab at 8:00 in the morning!!!!! And I have to wake up like at 6:30 in the morning!! why? because I have to ride the !@%$@# bus to class! I thought the last time I had to ride a bus was in high school....

    Saturday-- Sept. 5, 1998

    • I acquired my first College Officer Position two days ago. I am now a member of the Bursley Council.
    • I got a letter yesterday from the Registrar telling me that I can't take Cal I because I passed the AP and so I had to go change my schedule. Unfortunatly, there were no spaces in Cal II for me to take and so I ended up having to take Political Science 101. I guess that's that bad....

    Tuesday-- Sept. 1, 1998

    • The FAA passed a law today that makes possessing peanuts on airplane flights illegal. Say good bye to Honey roasted peanuts! They did this so that people allergice to peaunuts won't be harmed. Isn't that ridiculus? So its now a federal crime to bring a snickers on an airplane flight....
    • I saw a shampoo called, "Cholesterol" today. Good for the clean natural shine....

    Tuesday-- Sept. 1, 1998

    • Today I moved into my dorm. Well, I moved stuff into my dorm, but I am still going to live here for one more day and enjoy the conveniences of being able to go to the bathroom without having to leave the room, being able to wash my clothes without paying for it, and being able to have air conditioining...

    Monday-- August 31, 1998

    • The city of Ann Arbor doubles it size every year around this time and did you know that whole population can fit into the Wolverine stadium with only 500 people without seats (but they can all probably fit in the bathrooms).

    Saturday -- August 29, 1998

    • Guess what. Friday, I had dinner with the wife of Acer's VP of Human Resources. Her name was Jenny. hehehe
    • Yesterday, I went and bought books. The book store had books for only two of the four classes that I'm taking. And so I bought my Orgo books and my cal books (they were also out of one the chem books ) Anyway, my total came up to be $318!!!!! Holy cow! And that's less then HALF of my courses!!!!!

    Thursday -- August 27, 1998

    • Almost There: Yesterday my mom and my sister left for that tiny country in the middle of the pacific ocean that's the shape of a sweet potato, but I haven't moved into my dorm yet. I actually move in next Tuesday and for now, I'm staying in the very kind home of Angela ah ee and Bernard sueh sueh. Anyway, right now I'm wandering around campus getting a good idea of where everything is located. Can u believe this, I have to ride the bus EVERY morning to go to class. My dorm is at the north part of campus and it would take me like an hour if I had to walk to class. Gee, I thought high school was the last time I had to ride the bus....
    • I fixed that neat page glich

    Monday -- August 24, 1998


    Friday -- August 22, 1998

    • Jenny went to the Arch. orientation and met a guy named Dean Wang. And what's funny is that he ALSO has a girlfriend here at Umich that's named Jenny Liou.... Isn't that unbelievable!?!? Too weird...

    Friday -- August 21, 1998

    • The US spent about 70 missiles to retaliate for the terrorist strike. One of these "accidently" hit Pakistan. How does a cruise missile (accurate to a couple feet) accidently hit another country? If you ask me there's something suspicious... something fishy about all of this. Give me a day to think about

    Thursday -- August 20, 1998

    • Today I was playing Sim-City. I had reached what I thought to be a good point in the game -- everything was running smoothly and my income was increasing every year. And then all of a sudden a hurricane comes and wipes out over three forths of my city. After the hurricane comes a newspaper head line comes on the screen and says, "Hurricane Jenny Destroys!" hahaha, ironic huh?

    Wednesday -- August 19, 1998

    • Parent Trap: Believe it or not I went to see the "Parent Trap." This is a remake of the original Disney movie. It's about these twins that have been seperated at birth and they work together to get their parents back together. The neat thing about this movie is that both twins are played by one person. This is a pretty good movie if your not looking for action or suspense. Its funny and heart touching.

    Tuesday -- August 18, 1998

    • Today, I went to the Toledo zoo. For those of you that don't know, Toledo is in Ohio. It was an one hour drive to Toledo from Ann Arbor. Imagine that! One hour and you're out-of-state! Gee, we have to drive like four hours to get out of Texas....

    Sunday -- August 16, 1998

    • Hello from Flint, Michigan

    Friday -- August 14, 1998

    • Question:What was considered the most attractivefor women in the 18th Century?
      Answer: a full set of teeth...

    Tuesday -- August 11, 1998

    • Pooh Bear Conspiracy Theory: The US government, I bet, controls the female population with Pooh Bears. You see, almost all members of the US female population is extremely attracted to the character Pooh Bear. Everytime they see one, they immediatly let out this automated cry of "awwwwwww" (which is the sure sign that they are under the control of Pooh). And so as females begin to rise up in the corparate world the government will soon be able to control many international corparations. I'm sure that many of the high ranking executives of multi-million conglomerates know about this and have implemented operation "Glass ceiling" to limit their climb on the corprate ladder

    Sunday -- August 9, 1998

    • Right now I have 8 megs on my notebook (my dad needed my ram) which is not enough to do anything and so I had to take out my hardrive from my notebook and stick it into my sister's. anyway, so that's why I haven't updated my page for a while. So if you know of a place that sells the Armada 4120 or 4130 series RAM for a cheap price then email me.

    Wednesday -- August 5, 1998

    • Saving Private Ryan: This is perhaps the best movie I've ever seen this summer-- much better then Lethal Weapon. This movie takes away all the glory and excitement of war and shows the grim reality of war. Its pretty gory "with entrails and flying limbs." (Eric) It gives Starship Troopers a run for its money -- in terms of goriness. I highly recommend this movie to everyone

    Tuesday -- August 4, 1998

    • Would all of you email me and give me your email address especially if you have a college one. That way, I can keep track of everybody.
    • By the way, I know I have more friends then just the people that have sign my guestbook. So please sign!
    • Quote:"The average pencil is 7 inches long, with just a half-inch eraser -- just in case you thought optimism was dead."
      -- Los Angeles Times

    Monday -- August 3, 1998

    • Hey if any of you want to reach me by mail (you know that pen, paper, and stamp method). You can now reach me at the following address
      PO BOX 4563
      Ann Arbor, MI 48106

    Saturday -- August 1, 1998

    • Neat page updated

    Friday -- July 31, 1998

    • Today I went out and bought winter clothes, living in Texas for 11 years conditioned me to having a wardrobe full of summer clothes. i have a few bits of winter clothes cause after all Texas does some spotted cold days.... Anyway, I had to buy new shoes and sweaters and jackets etc. etc. I had to spend all this to go to school....
    • Trivia:The First Dominoe's pizza was opened here in Ann Arbor before it became a global franchise.

    Thursday -- July 30, 1998

    • Correction: I went to Canada today. There's no Beanie Baby tax, but they do have a restriction. You are not allowed to bring more then one beanie baby per person into the United States.

    Wedsenday -- July 29, 1998

    • Beanie Babies: The US government recently decided to crack down on people smuggling Beanie Babies from Canada. There is now an import tax on all people that bring in more then one Beanie Baby. The law doesn't bother me that much, but what bothers me is who in our stupid government is at their desk making up these kind of laws!?!
    • Rip O' Mart: I was at a non-campus grocery store the other day where everything was sooo expensive. They had this 12-pack of Pepsi "on SALE" for $5.99.....

    Tuesday -- July 28, 1998

    • Chekin' Out Well, as some of you know, I have officially moved. In my whole life I have only pulled all-nighters three times, and I pulled one two days ago packing for my house. I went on for about 38 hours without sleep. Maple Boy said my words were starting to get slurred... Anyway, my house was bought by the people that own Animagic at First Colony Mall. I hope you guys will miss me and be sure to take care of Jenny for me. I'll be back in November to visit. For the next month I'll be using my address. When I'm done with that I'll be using Wangdh@ But you can always email me at That's my forwarding address. Take care ya'll.
    • Neat page has been updated
    • Sign my Guest book!!!

Saturday -- July 25, 1998

Friday --July 24, 1998

  • Reality Hits: The past few weeks I've never really thought about the fact that I'm moving until today (I leave Tuesday). I've lived in Sugar Land for Ten years now. A decade is a long time. I tell some of you that going back to Michigan is like going home for me, but I guess I'm wrong. All my friends are here. I know I'm sometimes hard to deal with, but I really appreciate all of you being my friends. Best Wishes to all of you.

Monday -- July 20, 1998

Bowling was fun today, but I've realized that bowling requires two things that I lack -- precision and accuracy. And so of course, I scored an all time high of a 72 points (slightly better then Louis). Surojit and Nikhil on the other hand topped 100 points. Well, they can go become surgeons. We should all do that again sometime before I move.

Sunday -- July 19, 1998

  • The Mask of Zorro Jenny, Brian Lee, Maple Boy and I went and watched this movie today (since no one else wanted to come along). Well, this was a pretty cool movie. The sword fights were pretty neat and the love story is nice too. It's a good movie for both guys and girls.

Friday -- July 17, 1998

  • Dean updated his page? WOW!!! Yes, I'm going to try to make this a new habit. I'm always the person that has a lot to say about anything and now instead of listening to what I have to say, you can just read it! Yahoo! (unless I decide to add audio streaming.... Well, Have fun!

  • Movies! Jenny and I have become active movie watchers this year. My AMC card has a whooping 89 points!! Actually, I think its a computer error cause I'm pretty sure I haven't watched so many movies. Here's a few movie reviews...

  • Something About Mary This movie was a disappointment. The movie is about this girl named Mary (Cameron Diaz) and what these guys are willing to do to get her. The plot is fine, but the movie is surprisingly disgusting (from gay men and stuck body parts. ) It's like the "Dumb and Dumber" version of "My Best Friend's Wedding."

  • Lethal Weapon IV This is perhaps one of the best movies I've seen. Their combination of Mel Gibson's usual good acting, Chris Rock's comedy, and famous Chinese Actor Jet Li's Martial Arts provides a movie with all the things you've ever wanted. The Kung-fu is one the bests I've ever seen. It's a good combination of Western comedy, Eastern Kung-fu, and American gun-fighting. I highly recommend this movie.

  • Speaking of Chris Rock, he does an excellent job in voicing a hamster with a bad attitude in Doctor Dolittle This comedy stars Eddie Murphy as a doctor that can hear what animals are saying. I really enjoyed watching this movie. The plot is a little corny, but the whole show is filled with laughter. After watching this you start wondering about what animals think.

  • Eddie Murphy also appears in one of this summer's most popular movies -- Mulan . He does the voice for the little dragon. This Disney cartoon accurately tells the ancient Chinese folk story about a girl that honors her family by fighting for her father in the war against the barbarians. Who says Chinese people are sexist? This story is hundreds or years old and it was told to me by parents years before the movie came out.

  • Armageddon This is also one of the best movies I've seen this summer. The movie is about this meteor that's about to hit the earth and these men are sent to mine the meteor and throw in a nuclear warhead to destroy the meteor. All the Hollywoood tricks are combined into this movie. It'll make you sit at the edge of your seat. It'll make you laugh. It'll make you cry. This is probably the only movie that ever made me cry. It's a good movie.

"This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you."
John 15:12

Savior: a little theology, random apologetics, and miscellaneous thoughts about Christianity.
Politics: conservative views. Enter at Your Own Risk.
Neat: random interesting stuff.
Pictures: pictures. duh.
Links: links to friend's sites and other cool stuff.
View/Sign My Guestbook

?2001 by Dean Wang.
Questions? Comments? Need to rant?
Think I'm a crazed lunatic and should be put in a confined refridgerator?
Email me at: